Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's wrong with this picture?

If you guessed that it lacks sorely in correctness of spelling and grammar, you are wrong. And a snob.* No, what's wrong is that I was unaware that a free donut was at hand! All I need is the store number at the top of the receipt I got for my coffee today... well, dammit. Excuse me while I dig through my trash can...

Did you see the clip of Miss Rhode Island at the last Miss America pageant, where she tells the world that Rhode Island has the most Dunkin' Donuts per capita in the country? Yeah, it was pretty awesome. Know why? Because Dunkin' Donuts is great. Thank goodness there are five within two miles of my house! Seriously. When I die, I want to be buried with a double chocolate donut around each of my fingers and toes, plus a Munchkin under my tongue in case there's some sort of ferryman payment to consider. In fact, speaking of donuts, I may need to go purchase several dozen to cram into my face tomorrow to stifle the weeping I'll be doing as I watch the snow that's supposed to fall all damn day.

*Hey, me too! We should hang out.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have had dunkin donuts when it snowed another 3 or 4 or 6 inches here the other day.
